Here's the truth:

We cannot control the storms that rage outside of us, or how other people will react to our presence.

But there is a way to locate the "eye of the storm" within you - a place where CONFIDENCE, CLARITY, COMPASSION & CALM resides...always.

(Seriously, once you learn this technique, you won't recognize your Self or your life 3 months from's that good!)

In this 3-day Soul Energy Training Event, you will learn how to:

ASSESS the frequency of your Soul Energy will allow you to confidently move through the stressors in your life with the grace and ease you've been longing for.

ALIGN the scared and triggered Parts of you to this energy, will allow you to respond with an openness and curiosity that leads to expansion, not contraction.

ACTIVATE the specific qualities of your Soul Energy to help you balance the "doing" and the "being" of life, will walk you right into a life that is rooted AND abundant.

Why is this important?

Did you know 90-95% of all your decisions are made from the unconscious mind?!

This means, that if you are NOT engaged in this work, you are unwittingly building your current reality from Parts of you that are fearful, anxious, angry, ashamed, lonely, and/or traumatized.

Perhaps you have Parts that:

  • believe "blending in" is necessary for safety
  • are highly critical of any "flaw" or "failure"
  • place the needs of others before your own
  • won't let you rest, even when you want to

If you are not in relationship with these Parts, they will react to the stressors out of survival - leading you to experience more:

  • burnout
  • emotional instability
  • toxic relationship patterns
  • resentment, irritability, depression, anxiety, and grief

However, when these Parts feel safe in the presence of your Soul Energy, something incredible happens....

-they begin to tell their story;

-they begin to share their beliefs, experiences, and fears

-they begin to trust in your Self-leadership

And that is when you start to FEEL and SEE the magic unfolding.

If you desire a more liberated, connected, compassionate experience, both internally and externally, you are in the right place!

I'm Kristen Antonio, LMHC

Rebel Therapist & Soul Alignment Coach

I am here to guide you on this journey to embodiment and remembering. I practice an eclectic form of trauma-informed healing that draws from somatic experiencing and Internal Family Systems therapy. I weave all these modalities through my signature programs, Shame/LESS and The Conscious Witness, so you can build a deeper connection to your Self Energy, which is the source of healing within each of us. 

YOU are your greatest healer. 

My soul’s purpose, is to mentor you back to your Truth. I also know healing is accelerated in relationship. I take great care to co-create a brave and sacred community where we can uplift, witness, and unconditionally love one another into each of our unique and worthy selves. Together, we alchemize pain into purpose and the ripple effects will astound you.

This coaching is not available for purchase.


July 22 12:00-1:00 pm EST

In this training, you will learn the fundamental concepts of Internal Family Systems (including the "8 C's" of Soul Energy) and take a personalized assessment that will help you measure the specific qualities of your Soul Energy that need to be resourced and restored.

Day 2: ALIGN

July 23 12:00-1:00 pm EST

Based upon your results from the previous day's soul energy assessment, I will teach you tangible tools to amplify your Soul Energy and re-align your Parts to this frequency within you.

(p.s. if these words don't make any sense to you right now, don't worry... they will :)


July 24 12:00-1:00 pm EST

My favorite day!!


In this training I will guide you inside using techniques from IFS where you will meet the Part(s) of you that is ready to be heard, healed, and transformed.